In 2015 data revealed that the Brazilian economy would shrink by 2.1 per cent, with an inflation rate of over 9 per cent and a deficit set to develop in the following crucial year of the Olympic Games (Butler, 23 September 2015). Under other circumstances, this would have been included in international press coverage with no commentary, save the usual notes on global economic fluctuations. But as a host to the Olympic Games, Brazil, and especially Rio, would receive additional undesired attention. The much-awaited Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the mega-event, now globally televised and attended, would certainly suffer the consequences. Because of this unfortunate economic turn, the Games’ local and international organisers would find it difficult to keep people supportive of the enterprise. The common verdict that money was needed elsewhere, guided the game-makers’ prudent strategy to make cuts without undermining a popular spectacle: subsequently, the plan to include high-tech gadgets, such as aerial drones, and moving stages, never figured in the event’s Opening and Closing Ceremonies. Struggling to keep the Games’ budget to 7 billion Reais ($1.7 billion) for the 16 days of the competition and the Ceremonies was challenging, as Sidney Levy, Chief Executive of Rio 2016, admitted. Brazil had budgeted a total of approximately 40 billion Reais for the Olympic preparations, including the Porto Maravilha and subway extension projects, on top of the 25 billion Reais spent on Brazil’s FIFA World Cup in 2014 (Bloomberg, 22 September 2015).