PUT away thy bounty in the bosom of the poor and let it pray for you to the Lord; for, just as water will quench fire, so alms quench sin.’ Versicle: ‘Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the first-fruits of thine increase give unto the poor; for blessed is he that considereth the poor and needy. Out of the depths,’ as far as the end. ‘Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. Our Father. And lead us not. Save Thy servants and Thy handmaids, O God, that trust in Thee. Send them help and from Zion protect them. Be to them, O Lord, a strong tower from the enemy. From the gate of hell, O Lord, deliver their souls. I believe to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. May he rest in peace. Lord, hear our prayer. The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit. 1 Creator and preserver of the human race, giver of spiritual grace, bestower of everlasting salvation, send Thy spirit upon these alms for the souls of Thy manservants and maidservants, that, armed with the power of heavenly protection, they may profit the bodies and souls of all those who taste of them, for their eternal safety and prosperity.’ Then he continues: ‘Repay in Thy kingdom, Lord, those who give these holy alms, Thou who art the recompenser of all good things, our blessed God for ever and ever.’ 2