Through the summer of 1999, the correspondence between Meehl and me slowed somewhat. Delays were incurred on my part because I spent the summer at our place in Vermont, to which my office mail is sent irregularly, and on Paul’s part, I suspect, on account of health problems. In one of his notes, Paul wrote:

The soma looms large in my current life. My diabetes is a bit more erratic than it was when first diagnosed, blood sugar bounces around lately. Leslie has Achilles tendonitis that’s refractory—but recently helped a lot by acupuncture (?!). My son Erik has been hospitalized with spontaneous pneumothorax, which in otherwise healthy persons is no big deal, but he has COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease], which makes it pretty serious. He’s just now out, and says it scares him enough to quit smoking. We’re “hoping,” but not betting on it.