On 6 August 1920, shortly after his arrival in Haifa, Feisal received Dr. David Eder, the Acting Chairman of the Zionist Commission, and asked him for help, wondering whether the Jewish Press could be utilized in his favor. Eder responded that the Zionists were not a Power and that “a Jewish Press,” as such, did not exist. The Zionists would be willing to help provided Feisal nullified the anti-Zionist propaganda, recognized the Zionist position in Palestine and ceased the cry for a United Syria. In principle, the Zionists viewed with favor the emergence of “a united Arab nation,” though outside Palestine’s boundaries. Should Feisal be elected by his people and make himself acceptable to the Great Powers, the Zionists would welcome him cordially as the leader of the Arab people. Eder, however, did not conceal his disappointment and told Feisal bluntly that “he had tried to be too clever; he was a Zionist in Europe and backed the anti-Zionists in Damascus; he was trying to play off the French against the English, and vice versa.” If he wished to succeed in his endeavors, he should be more straightforward. Eder doubted Feisal’s ability to govern; “he is intelligent, but not a born leader.” 1