JlGME SINGYE WANGCHUCK (King, July 21, 1972-). Jigme Singye Wangchuck was born on November 11, 1955. He was the son of King Jigme Dorji Wangchuk and Queen Ashi Kesang. He was educated in Bhutan and England. He was named crown prince and chairman of the Planning Commission of Bhutan in March of 1972. He succeeded his father to the throne on July 21, 1972. The new king continued his father's policies of modernization, despite the opposition of traditional elements in the country. He also faced the dissent of the militant Nepalese minority in Bhutan. Jigme Singye Wangchuk continued to widen Bhutan's contacts with the international community and to decrease his nation's dependence on India.