Children, The, 1161 Hasbro Advertises Toys on Television, 685 Sears Agrees to an FTC Order Banning

Bait-and-Switch Tactics, 1143 Station KDKA Introduces Commercial Radio

Broadcasting, 249 U.S. Advertising Industry Organizes

Self-Regulation, The, 1048 U.S. Government Bans Cigarette Ads on

Broadcast Media, The, 1008 Walter Dill Scott Publishes The Theory o f

Advertising, 54 WEAF Airs the First Paid Radio Commercial, 272 Wheeler-Lea Act Broadens FTC Control over

Advertising, The, 537

Association, 211 Armstrong Committee Examines the Insurance

Industry, The, 65 ASCAP Forms to Protect Writers and Publishers

of Music, 173 Brooklyn Dodgers Move to Los Angeles, The, 748 Charles Ponzi Cheats Thousands in an Investment

Scheme, 222 Congress Passes the RICO Act, 1012 Congress Updates Copyright Law in 1909, 112 Continental Airlines Declares Bankruptcy, 1305 Corrupt Practices Act Limits Political

Contributions, The, 327 Drexel and Michael Milken Are Charged with

Insider Trading, 1371 Electronic Technology Creates the Possibility of

Telecommuting, 1213 General Electric Opens an Industrial Research

Laboratory, 11 Insider Trading Scandals Mar the Emerging Junk

Bond Market, 1345 International Business Machines (IBM) Embraces

Reengineering, 1462 ITT Actions Cause Suspicion of Involvement in a

Chilean Coup, 1067

Ivy Lee Sets a Precedent for Public Relations, 84 Jim Bakker Is Sentenced for Fraud and

Conspiracy, 1401 Owens Valley Farmers Blow Up the Los Angeles

Aqueduct, 311 Recruit Scandal Surfaces in Japan,

The, 1375 Retailers Begin Using High Technology to

Control Shrinkage, 993 Robinson-Patman Act Restricts Price

Discrimination, The, 517 Ultramares Case Establishes Liability for

Auditors, The, 419 U.S. Courts Restrict Rights to Photocopy

Anthologies, 1427 U.S. Government Begins Using Cost-Plus

Contracts, The, 169 U.S. Government Institutes the Baldrige Award,

The, 1363 VisiCalc Spreadsheet Software Is Marketed, 1181 World Leaders Confer on the Environment and

Development, 1443 Yankees Acquire Babe Ruth, The, 233

CONSUMER AFFAIRS AT&T Is Ordered to Reduce Charges, 926 Banning of DDT Signals New Environmental

Awareness, The, 975 Bush Signs the Clean Air Act of 1990,1423 Congress Passes the Consumer Credit Protection

Act, 949 Congress Passes the Fair Credit Reporting Act,

1016 Congress Passes the Magnuson-Moss Warranty

Act, 1107 Congress Passes the Pure Food and Drug Act, 88 Congress Prohibits Discrimination in the Granting

of Credit, 1115 Congress Requires Premarket Clearance for

Products, 545 Congress Sets Standards for Chemical Additives

in Food, 763 Environmental Protection Agency Is Created, The,

Consumer Movement, 887 Nixon Signs the Consumer Product Safety Act,

1063 Offshore Oil Well Blows Out near Santa Barbara,

California, An, 961

Thalidomide Use Prompts Passage of the Kefauver-Harris Amendment, 824

Three Mile Island Accident Prompts Reforms in Nuclear Power, The, 1185

Toxic Gas Leaks from a Union Carbide Plant in Bhopal, India, 1325

United States Bans Chilean Fruit After Cyanide Scare, The, 1390

United States Bans Cyclamates from Consumer Markets, The, 972

U.S. Government Reforms Child Product Safety Laws, The, 997

Wholesome Poultry Products Act Is Passed, The, 957

World Health Organization Condemns Use of Infant Formula, The, 1259

FINANCE Asian Development Bank Is Chartered, The, 891 Bank of United States Fails, The, 415 Banking Act of 1933 Reorganizes the American

Banking System, The, 454 Banking Act of 1935 Centralizes U.S. Monetary

Control, The, 497 Boston Celtics Sell Shares in the Team, The, 1357 Bush Responds to the Savings and Loan Crisis,

1393 Charles Ponzi Cheats Thousands in an Investment

Scheme, 222 Collapse of Barrings, The, 1454 Congress Creates the Commodity Futures Trading

Commission, 1095 Congress Deregulates Banks and Savings and

Loans, 1229 Congress Gives Tax Breaks to Financiers of Small

Businesses, 770 Congress Passes the Consumer Credit Protection

Act, 949 Congress Passes the Fair Credit Reporting Act,

1016 Congress Passes the Federal Credit Union Act, 478 Congress Prohibits Discrimination in the Granting

of Credit, 1115 Credit-Anstalt Bank of Austria Fails, The, 422 Drexel and Michael Milken Are Charged with

Insider Trading, 1371 Elimination of Secret Swiss Bank Accounts Ends

a Myth, 1431

Employees Buy Weirton Steel Works, 1298 Federal Regulators Authorize Adjustable-Rate

Mortgages, 1251 Federal Reserve Act Creates a U.S. Central Bank,

The, 165 Financial Panic Results from a Run on the

Knickerbocker Trust, A, 92 First Morris Plan Bank Opens, The, 124 FNMA Promotes Home Ownership, The, 541 Insider Trading Scandals Mar the Emerging Junk

Bond Market, 1345 Johnson Restricts Direct Foreign Investment, 937 Loan Guarantee Act Saves Chrysler, The, 1233 McFadden Act Regulates Branch Banking, The,

371 Merrill Lynch Concentrates on Small Investors,

561 Mexico Renegotiates Debt to U.S. Banks, 1387 Negotiable Certificate of Deposit Is Introduced,

The, 808 Nixon’s Anti-Inflation Program Shocks

Worldwide Markets, 1040 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Is Created,

The, 434 Securities Exchange Act Establishes the SEC,

The, 470 U.S. Government Bails Out Continental Illinois

Bank, The, 1309 U.S. Regional Branch Banking Is Approved, 1217 U.S. Stock Market Crashes on Black Tuesday,

The, 395 U.S. Stock Market Crashes on 1987’s “Black

Monday”, The, 1367 U.S. Tax Laws Allow Accelerated Depreciation,

716 Value-Added Taxes Bring a More Efficient Tax

System to Europe, 720 Wall Street Journal Prints the Dow Jones

Industrial Average, The, 1

FOUNDINGS AND DISSOLUTIONS American Automobile Association Forms, The, 31 ASCAP Forms to Protect Writers and Publishers

of Music, 173 Bell Labs Is Formed, 323 Berry Gordy, Jr., Founds Motown Records, 796 Braniff International Suspends Flight Operations,

1278 Defense Cutbacks Devastate the U.S. Aerospace

Industry, 1209 Federal Express Begins Operations, 1075 Forbes Magazine Is Founded, 215

George O. Squier Founds Muzak, 466 Hashimoto Forms the Roots of Nissan Motor

Company, 127 Henry Luce Founds Fortune Magazine, 403 Henry Luce Founds Time Magazine, 284 Howard Hughes Builds a Business Empire, 304 IBM Changes Its Name and Product Line, 307 International Harvester Company Is Founded, 35 James McKinsey Founds a Management

Consulting Firm, 331 Jobs and Wozniak Found Apple Computer, 1127 Kroc Agrees to Franchise McDonald’s, 713 Mail-Order Clubs Revolutionize Book Sales, 347 Murdoch Extends His Media Empire to the

United States, 1147 National Broadcasting Company Is Founded, The,

359 Number of U.S. Automakers Falls to Forty-Four,

The, 367 Oral Roberts Starts the Healing Waters Ministry,

641 Price Club Introduces the Warehouse Club

Concept, 1135 Reader’s Digest Is Founded, 268 Saturday Evening Post Publishes Its Final Issue,

The, 964 Studebaker Announces Plans to Abandon U.S.