Sexuality, Learning Difficulties and Doing Whats Right may not be the book you expected it to be when you bought it, took it out of the library or picked it up in a bookshop and flicked through to the end in the hope of finding out what it is about. It is written in a storytelling rather than a documentary style. It is not a scholarly book, in the sense of being a detailed and sombre overview of its subject matter, firmly embedded in a detailed study of things that other authors have written. However, it has resulted from a great deal of thought over issues about which we feel passionately concerned and which are of enormous importance to those who are personally and professionally involved in them. In writing it we did not hope to present a body of received knowledge or even wisdom about the sexuality of people with learning difficulties. Hence we have not, as is the tradition in social science and educational research, undertaken a formal review of the literature - a wide trawl of what has been written in this area - though we have referred extensively to other work with which we were or have become familiar.