The manner in which these fellows outdistance each other is astonishing, so that often a man who led by twenty paces at the start will come in last. A horse must, nevertheless, win twice running or it is not valid. A blue-grey horse, which looked the least likely of all the five, won both times. But this was largely owing to the man who rode it. For he was wise enough to spare his horse at the beginning, let the others pass him and tire themselves out; he only took care not to be left too far behind, and in the second time round, especially when they were nearing the post, he gave the horse its head and passed the others. (Orchard, 63)

In each period the jockey who uses this tactic most successfully is known as the head waiter. The craftiest kind of race is one in which the jockey waits in front:

The art of 'waiting in front' is a great one to learn... The leader sets the pace, and if he, while leading, is going well within himself, so much the greater reserve of speed will he have when it comes to racing. (Badminton, 326)

walk1 To walk the course is often done by jockeys and trainers before racing begins, with the purpose of finding the best ground to race on.