A considerable and long-standing body of research has focused on the issue of the effects of violent television content on aggressive and other antisocial behavior of children (Liebert, Sprafkin, & Davidson, 1982). This focus is well warranted as television programs remain laden with violent content, and the effects on viewers also remain debated in scientific, commercial, and political arenas (e.g., contrast Milavsky, Kessler, Stipp, & Rubens, 1982, with Rubinstein, 1983). At the same time, the overriding attention to this issue has probably constrained study and implementation of television for prosocial purposes (Pearl, Bouthilet, & Lazar, 1982; Rushton, 1982). If concerns about the powerful negative effects of television are justified, it is because the medium has the capability of shaping beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Clearly, the medium is not just capable of shaping negative values and behaviors, but rather many diverse values and behaviors can be developed and maintained. It does not make sense to insist that television as a medium is a powerful negative force, and then also to conclude that its ability to influence prosocial behavior is limited!