BLUNT. Oh Lord! (Climbing up.) I am got out at last, and (which is a miracle) without a clue l - and now to damning and cursing, - but if that would ease me, where shall I begin? with my fortune, my self, or the Quean2 that cozen'd3 me - What a dog was I to believe in Women! Oh Coxcomb4 - ignorant conceited Coxcomb! to fancy she cou'd be enamour'd with my person, at the first sight enamour'd - Oh, I'm a cursed puppy, 'tis plain, Fool was writ upon my forehead, she perceiv'd it, - saw the Essex CalfS there - for what allurements could there be in this countenance? which I can endure, because I'm acquainted with it - Oh, dull silly dog! to be thus sooth'd6 into a Cozening! Had I been drunk, I might fondly have credited the young Quean! but as I was in my right wits, to be thus cheated, confirms I am a dull believing English Country Fop. - But my comrades! Death and the Devil, there's the worst of all-then a ballad will be I clue trail 2 Quean prostitute 3 cozen'd tricked 4 Coxcomb fool 5 Essex Calf (a term of contempt) 6 sooth'd cajoled

sung to morrow on the Prado, to a lousy7 tune of the enchanted squire, and the annihilated damsel - But Fred that rogue, and the Colonel, will abuse me beyond all Christian patience - had she left me my clothes, I have a bill of exchange at home, wou'd have sav'd my credit - but now all hope is taken from me - Well, I'll home (if I can find the way) with this consolation, that I am not the first kind believing Coxcomb; but there are, Gallants, many such good natures amongst yeo

And tho you've better Arts to hide your Follies, Adsheartkins y'are all as errant Cullies.8