What is the role of the valuer and is it necessary to teach valuation? Statements to the effect that there is no need to consult a professional property valuer, and that old George who quietly sups his ale in the bar of the village pub knows as much about property values as anyone are often heard. Buy him a pint and he will tell you what prices different properties have fetched, what their advantages and disadvantages have been, and how properties currently on the market compare with these past sales. He may well be very good on local values, and with excellent local knowledge the advice which he gives may be first-class. In earlier chapters however, we considered many factors which should explain why old George will not always be a competent valuer. First, properties come in all shapes and sizes, and although run-of-the-mill semi­ detached houses (duplexes) may be easy for the competent amateur to value, others will be much more complex and may create valuation problems with which only the trained specialist can cope.