On the 8th of June, Mr. Lander finding himself much better, we determined on our departure; and I addressed a letter to the colonial surgeon at Fernando Po respecting Captain Hill. At 9. 30 a. m. we embarked in the Columbine’s longboat, and the canoe in which Mr. Lander came down the river, making a party of twenty-three in number ;—two white men, Mr. Lander and myself, and six Kroomen, being in the long-boat; and Mr. Brown and the remainder in the canoe. The morning was delightfully fine, but very hot. We left the Columbine under a salute of seven 358guns, which we returned from our two swivels, one being mounted in the bows, the other aft. We had a delightful breeze up the Nun ; but finding one or two sails had been left behind, the canoe was despatched back to the brig for them. At noon we were abreast of Eboe point. An aged fisherman lives here in the midst of jungle on a small elevated bank. From him I purchased some dried fish, giving him in exchange some tobacco. The river at this part is very narrow ; on each side and in every direction are numerous islands, upon which the pernicious mangrovetree (khiz, Lera Mangle) and the lofty palm (cocos butyracea) flourish in luxuriance. At 8. 30 p. m. we made fast to a mangrove-tree for want of an anchor.