HOW many houses will this population need? This question has been discussed at length by a number of w riters, and we must deal briefly with some of the forecasts before making our own.

(a) T H E R A T E O F H O U S E H O L D F O R M A T I O N : N A T I O N A L E S T I M A T E S

J . B. Cullingworth1 has made a number of forecasts to 1978, based on an analysis of headship rates, that is, the relationship of total population to actual or potential heads of households (m arried men, widows, heads of groups of people not in a norm al family s tru c ­ ture, e tc .) . Such forecasts depend (a) on the population forecasts, showing the number, for instance, of men of m arriageable age alive at certain dates, and (b) on assumptions about standards of living, since a poor population is le ss likely to produce household 'fission ' than a rich one.