TH E R E is a single essay on English agriculture which was written before the middle of the thirteenth century. This essay is by Walter de Henley. The earliest copy of this work is contained in a lawyer’s handy book, written at the conclusion of the thirteenth century; though a few additions have been made to the volume up to the latter part of Edward II.’s reign by a later scribe, as the book contains the Statute of York. The work is in Norman French; and the copy which I have used is considerably later than the author’s own age. There is a story that it was translated into Latin by the great Bishop Grostête; and a Latin version of the work is also found. “La Dite de Hosbanderye” was a handy book of agriculture; and, as is probable, was frequently copied in one or the other language. It was not superseded till the sixteenth century, when the English work of Fitzherbert makes its appearance.