Definition ofword sipsipsipioapunu (Monakewo informant, Omarakana) :- T. 25. Sipsipsiptoapunu makawala pukuna. I-tuwali pukuna

(skin rash) alike pimple he different pimple kway-viyaka, i-tuwali i-puripuri wa big (r.b.) he different he break forth in clusters in woulo sipsipsipwapunu. body (skin rash)

ta-doki we deem bi-tula. he might be cold

Definition of word lu'um'li:- T.26. Bi-lu'um'li: ta-doki ta-la wa sopi, ta-kakaya,

we deem we go in water we bathe bita-kidumkini-ta-kariga: sopi bi-lu'um'li, we might swoon we die water he might be moist

7. A text given to me as a definition of a term referring to the trading of food rather than to gardening must be adduced here because it refers to drought and to the plague in the gardens.