THE fugitive factors from Oamboja, on their departure from Ayuthia, in 1659, carried away with them a pleasant impression of the capital of Siam, and of the generosity of the king. On their arrival at Batavia, Mr. Rawlins, one of their number, delivered to the Council a message from rus Siamese majesty desiring the reopening of commercial relations between himself and the East India Company.l

The attention of the authorities at Surat was directed, about this time, doubtless by the Council at Batavia, to the importance of Ayuthia as a place of trade. They accordingly took steps to reopen communications 'with the merchant king, and selected the ship Hopewell to proceed to the Menam under the command of Richard Bladwell,2 the merchandise in the vessel being placed under the charge of their factel'S, John South, Thomas Cotes,s and William Andrews.