How Bahrám attacked the Host of the Khán and took him As soon as tidings came to Sháh Bahrám :— “ The Khán and his great host are all at Marv,” He led his soldiers from Ázargashasp, Each with two horses but no baggage-train. With Búman helmet, morion, and cuirass He hurried on like wind by day and night, His soldiers rushing like a mountain-stream, And reached Ámul by way of Ardabíl. Departing thence he marched on to Gurgán, Enduring all the chieftains’ toil and pain, And thence came to the city of Nisá ; One from Bisá preceded him as guide. O’er mount and waterless and wayless tracts, C. 1545 At times unwonted, through the night till morn, He marched and had the watch out night and day. Thus swifter than a pheasant1 in its flight He drew toward Marv. A runner from his scouts Arrived and told : “ The Khán attendeth not To state-affairs but followeth the chase At Kashmíhan with wicked Áhriman As minister.”