It would be a great Impudence in Me to say much ofa Comedy, which has had but indifferent success in the action. I made the Town my Judges; and the greater part condemn'd it. After which I do not think it my Concernment to defend it, with the ordinary Zeal of a Poet for his decry'd Poem. Tho' Corlleille is more resolute in his Preface before his Partherite, which was condemn'd more Universally than this: For he avows boldly, That in spight of Censure his Play was well, and regularly Written; which is more than I dare say for mine. Yet it was receiv'd at Court; and was more than once the Divertisement of His Majesty, by His own Command. But I have more modesty than to ascribe that to my Merit, which was His particular Act of Grace. It was the first attempt I made in Dramatick Poetry; and, I find since, a very bold one, to begin with Comedy; which is the most difficult part of it. The Plot was not Originally my own: But so alter'd, by me (whether for the better or worse, I know not) that, whoever the Author was, he could not have challeng'd a Scene of it. I doubt not but you will see in it, the uncorrectness of a Young Writer: Which is yet but a small excuse for him, who is so little amended since. The best Apology I can make for it, and the truest, is only this; That you have since that time receiv'd with Applause, as bad, and as uncorrect Plays from other Men.