A N A L Y T I C A L TABLE OF CONTENTS giving topics discussed, incidents mentioned, and the chapters in

Livy on which the discourse is based.


THE PREFACE. The newness of Machiavelli's method. Contemporary esteem for, but neglect of, history and its lessons. Man and nature alike subject to laws. page 205

ROME IN PARTICULAR. Livy I.i-5. The foundation of Rome by Aeneas or Romulus. Origin of other cities, e.g. Athens, Venice, Rome's colonies, Alexandria, Florence. Free cities due to migrations, e.g. Moses, Aeneas. A fertile site, e.g. Egypt, preferable to a barren spot, e.g. Ragusa, provided idleness can be prevented. page 207

2.HOW MANY KINDS OF COMMONWEALTH THERE ARE AND OF WHAT KIND WAS THAT OF ROME. (Based on Polybius, Bk. VI.) Some constitutions have endured without change (e.g. Sparta's) others have changed frequently (e.g. that of Florence in 1502 and 1512). Simple forms, monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, tend to pass into their opposites.