Under the terms of the Constitution that was approved at a national referendum on 4 August 2010 and entered into force on 27 August, legislative power is vested in and exercised by Parliament, which comprises the National Assembly and the Senate. Members of Parliament serve concurrent five-year terms. The National Assembly consists of 290 members, each elected by the registered voters of single-member constituencies; 47 women members (one elected in each county); 12 members nominated by parliamentary political parties according to their proportion of members of the National Assembly to represent special interests, including the youth, persons with disabilities and workers; and the Speaker, who is an ex officio member. The Senate consists of 47 members, each elected by the registered voters of the counties, each county constituting a single-member constituency; 16 women members nominated by political parties according to their proportion of members of the Senate; two members representing the youth; two members representing persons with disabilities; and the Speaker, who is an ex officio member. The President is the head of state and government and exercises the executive authority of the Republic, with the assistance of the Deputy President and Cabinet Secretaries. The Cabinet consists of the President, the Deputy President, the Attorney-General and not fewer than 14 and not more than 22 Cabinet Secretaries.