I can tell you a little story what happened last year. I mean we didn’t even start the ball rolling on this one. he said ‘I’m going to buy her a school uniform.’ I said ‘Dear, dear dear. What’s up with you?’ [He said] ‘How much do you want?’ Well I said ‘I heard what Helen said’ but, I said, ‘she’s way out’. I said ‘Those sort of things you should come to me’ I said, ‘You’re talking £100 Denis, and that’s being modest’. I said ‘It’s a lot more - but I have started to buy her things.’ And I said ‘We’d be very grateful if you could buy the bulk of it.’ ‘Right! Be in on Friday, such and such a time, and I’ll bring the money up.’ ‘OK. Thank you very much.’ And off he went. The child was excited - we waited a week - he didn’t turn up - we waited another week - he didn’t turn up - and she was like a little animal waiting at the door. If I took her off anywhere, we came in, straight to the door! ‘I want my father - haven’t brought my money!’ And of course I lose my rag then, and I think ‘Why did he do that! We didn’t even ask for it.’ You know if I had gone to him and grovelled for it I’d think ‘Oh, it’s your fault for asking.’ You know - but it isn’t a fault for asking for your own child, when he should be giving anyway! And this is what I feel - there’s nobody to back me up, and nobody to make him sort of stand up and face his responsibility.