Events such as the 2004 Madrid and 2005 London bombings represented internal challenges for the dispositif. Perpetrated by individuals linked to the West, these attacks rendered “the traditional link between poverty and terrorism less relevant” 1 and challenged the understanding that the developed world was not a space or even a source of international terrorism. These challenges were solved with the incorporation of categories such as “homegrown terrorism” and a new focus on the need “to prevent people from becoming terrorists: to win the battle for their hearts and minds”. 2 While initially these new understandings did not significantly alter the Council’s dispositif, it was in 2014, with ISIL’s establishment of a Caliphate, when these concepts permitted its rearticulation and its broadening. Leading to a further stabilisation in 2018, concepts such as radicalisation, extremism, and prevention allowed the broadening of the dispositif and the merging of international and domestic counter-terrorism, safeguarding its hegemony. In this chapter, I analyse this phase of the evolution of the dispositif. In the first part, I look at its international dimension brought by ISIL’s emergence and the related flow of foreign fighters. In the second section, I focus on its domestic and local shift towards the prevention of radicalisation and extremism.