English, more than any other international language, has connected Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) people globally (Alptekin & Alptekin, 1984; Clyne & Sharifian, 2008; Crystal, 2003; Jenkins, 1998; Kachru, 1982; Matsuda, 2012a; McKay, 2002; Smith, 1976). This ever-increasing spread and use of EIL is to the extent that according to Medgyes (1994, p. 1),

English has become the dominant language in many fields of activity such as business and banking, industry and commerce, transportation, tourism, sports, international diplomacy, advertising, pop music and so on. But above all, English has become the common language of scientific discourse in a world where the relative “development” of a nation can best be measured in terms of its access to science through English.