160 The Mughal rule is not regarded by most historians as an alien rule because, barring the exception of its founder, Babar, they had become Indianized and worked for the good of the people. Unlike some of the previous Muslim predators and the British rulers who came from outside the Indian borders and were ill-regarded for their massive drain on the country’s wealth, the Mughals invested their earnings in India, allowing it to be used as capital for India’s manufactures and boosting indigenous employment. A lot of their Indianization had to do with the partial Hinduizing of the imperial household through marriages with Rajput princesses and the consequent regard to their feelings, likes, and dislikes. This extended not only to the celebrations of Hindu festivals in the palace precincts but also to the tastes in dance and music, culinary preferences and fasting observances, and dress and deportment. Mughal art and architecture were considerably influenced by Hindu concepts in those fields. (pages 161–62)