Interactions between the maturation and experience of the pupil, together with the quality of the teaching he receives, constitute the main determinants of reading progress. These circumstances make very hazardous any attempt to relate curriculum phases to age levels of the pupils. Nevertheless, teachers seem to seek some general framework which will form a background to their work and serve as a useful indicator of ‘normal’ progress in reading skills, and this chapter seeks to provide such a framework. However, some reservations are essential. First, the phases are not to be regarded as rigid or deterministic, but must always be related to the needs and progress of the pupil. Secondly, the phases must be regarded as cumulative, building upon each other; they must not be seen as sequential, or requiring the completion of one before commencement of the next. Thirdly, the suggested chronological age-ranges are to be regarded only as approximations; at least a third of pupils may be expected to be progressing outside the ranges given, either behind or in advance.