As far as I know, unlike the subject of our last chapter, no blood has been shed over the differences within psychotherapy and counselling during its relatively brief history, although rivalry and wrangling has long since left its mark. For a good overview of the turbulent history of psychoanalysis in Great Britain see Peter Fuller's "Introduction" to Psychoanalysis and Beyond (Rycroft, 1985, pp. 1—38). The contemporary scene of counselling services and of counselling training courses accessible to the general public, can be confusing to say the least. I shall resist the temptation of attempting to offer an overview of this complex array of counselling therapies since to do so would lead us away from the main aim in this chapter which is to indicate a psychodynamic perspective for using alongside the theological one of Chapter 4. It is as though a pair of spectacles were being made; a religious lens has been created and now a psychological one is needed. I have already prescribed a distinctive tint for this lens - the theory and practice of psychodynamic therapy - but that tells the reader little about how the lens is actually constructed. I shall now turn to this task, accepting that it will be just as much a personal prescription as the theological lens.