There are many different types of depression. At one end of the continuum is a serious clinical depression or endogenous depression, which can be extremely debilitating, including marked psychotic symptoms and will certainly necessitate seeing a doctor, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist who will very likely prescribe antidepressants or antipsychotic drugs to balance the body chemically. At the other end of the continuum would be a less severe reactive depression or exogenous depression which can be a result of a substantial loss or disappointment. This could include the loss of a loved one or other important losses such as: a divorce or separation from a partner; moving away from friends or family; loss of identity, country or place; loss of a job or a chosen career; loss of job security or stress at work; loss of money or good health; social isolation; seasonal adjustment disorder; and even that sense of “emptiness” caused by the absence of “good enough” loving, secure and safe support that children ideally need in their early lives. Within this continuum there are other forms of depression: the depressive phase of manic-depressive or bi-polar illness; involutional melancholia, occurring at the involution period of life (fifty to sixty-five years), very common at menopause (female) and retirement (male); an existential crisis, a crisis of meaning in life, where there can be a general sense of “emptiness” and a response to frustrated aggression. Depression can also be a response to other forms of stress or trauma. It may be accompanied by: feelings of anxiety; loss of motivation and interest; lack of concentration; insomnia; lack of libido; loss of weight; feelings of despair and hopelessness, and depression can be serious enough to tip over into suicidal ideation.