There are three psychoanalytic associations in the Netherlands. The oldest one was established in 1917 and is called “The Association” (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychoanalyse— NVPA). In 1947 “The Society” (Nederlands Psychoanalytisch Genootschap—NPG) was created as a splinter group from The Association. In 2005 a third group was added: the Dutch Psychoanalytic Group (Nederlandse PsychoAnalytische Group) usually referred to by its initials, NPAG or “The Group”. In 2005, during the 44th IPA congress in Rio de Janeiro, it obtained the status of Provisional Society, and in 2007 it was fully recognized by the IPA. Both the Society and the NPAG were created as a consequence of conflicts inside the Association. Those conflicts had personal, business, and ideological causes. Although they took place in totally different periods and also in different contexts, both of them were created because of dissatisfaction with the treatment of Jews inside the Association. The first incident was concerning the Second World War; it had to do with the reception of Jewish colleagues who entered the Netherlands as refugees. The second one started with the “anti-Semitic outbursts” (as he called them himself) of a training analyst and the reactions to them. This incident took place between 2000 and 2005.