In a globalized world, study abroad can play a central role in the undergraduate student experience to profoundly influence individuals to be more globally informed and involved. The study abroad experience provides individuals with a transformative learning experience at a pivotal time of personal development. The international experience provided through study abroad continues to impact participants throughout their life. The findings of the study presented in this book suggest that the personal outcomes of study abroad also serve as social role as individuals use their study abroad experience to navigate new cultures, languages, and diverse societies in all areas of their life from academic to professional to personal. The study participants returned home after their study abroad experience. After graduating from their home undergraduate institution, some continued to receive advanced degrees while others entered the workforce. Some of the participants returned to Japan while others moved on to Asia and the world. Meanwhile, some remained entirely in the United States. While some participants held high power positions and directly engaged with Japan, Asia, and the wider world, others engaged with these dimensions on a personal level. Even if individuals do not engage in experiences with an international dimension in their professional, academic, or personal life, the values and attitudes they developed during their study abroad are embedded in their personal identity. Whether the impact of study abroad is visibly apparent in life trajectories or internalized in their personal values, believes, and actions, this is a testament to the transformative nature of the study abroad experience.