CHAPTER 15 “Getting Started, Opportunities, and Resources” transports the reader into how to get a job in the professional worlds of film, television, and Internet program scriptwriting. This includes a list of suggestions that include take as many writing and creative-writing-related courses as possible; become a lifelong learner of great film and television writing; visit/tour a television station, film studio, or independent production facility; do an internship (or two); attend as many film and television student and professional festivals as possible; enter your scripts into scriptwriting competitions and (if possible) have your scripts produced and enter the film/TV program into film and television festivals; get involved in writing for on-campus cable, local public broadcasting, or school Internet channel exhibition opportunities; get involved in campus (or off-campus) film or television service projects; get involved in your local community access cable channel; create a great resume and a killer reel. The key to success: start writing … every day, if possible … and produce what you’ve written and post it on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. And if you don’t know how to make a film or TV show, go online and use the YouTube Creator Academy. Network with those already in the film or TV industries. The reader will also get a short tour through the world of scriptwriting agents – including how to find an agent and their cost, how to get an agent’s attention and get them to work for you, what agents are looking for and why they are needed, and how might your agent sell your script. The chapter closes with a summary, and some review, reflection, and analysis questions and some envisioning exercises.