In the assessment and treatment of posttraumatic and other disorders, it is essential to recognize each child’s individuality, specific reactions, and timetables for response and recovery. Reactions are influenced by a number of variables, including child-related, environment-related, event-related, culture-related, and intervention-related variables. Many of these variables are discussed in this chapter. For example, the timing of different types of assistance and other aspects of early intervention may influence outcomes in significant ways. We rely on study findings to shape our theories and interventions. Study findings are often mixed because of method, population, and sample size variations as well as because many variables are not included in assessments. This chapter examines protective factors and risk factors. It discusses posttraumatic growth that may occur along with traumatic reactions. It examines child differences (e.g., personality, coping style, grief style), environmental differences (e.g., SES, attachment relationships, parenting), intervention timing, and other variables important to children’s reactions and recovery. Case examples are provided.