The event under study started on 7 October 1992 when Governor Patten released a blueprint for political reform, and then developed through a number of episodes involving intense social conflicts over the legislation of the reform package, and finally ended with its successful legislation on 30 June 1994. In narrative terms, the release of the reform proposals developed instantly into a popular heroic romance, with Patten the protagonist seen as embarking on a quest for democratic autonomy vis-à-vis China. Apparently, the final legislation of the reform proposals would signify a victorious ending as a fulfillment of the promises of the heroic-romantic beginning. However, the fact was, as the event developed over time, the public meanings of ‘Patten’ and his reform proposals changed in the process so much so that the story of heroic romance lost much of its initial colour and emotional charge. The question is, what explained the rather paradoxical development of the event - a victory without a sense of victory - at the end?