Drawing on my fieldwork walking and talking with people in their food producing gardens, this chapter identifies the ways that attunement to the relational entanglements of taste can motivate particular food habits and practices. What we encounter in these fertile urban sites is an openness to being moved by taste that is induced by recognition of togetherness-in-relation. This capacity to embrace togetherness with unknown and unknowable others and concern, not only with relations among bounded entities, but with flows that exceed these bodies wherein life is understood to be a series of flows and interdependencies, is shown to encourage the development of ways of being and doing capable of challenging anthropocentric conceptions of hyper-separation. These alternative modes of being are shown to be supported through embodied practices of multisensorial engagement with taste that prompt enactment of playful tinkerings in gardens. These practices are enhanced through the affordances of access to food producing spaces and a stretching of the spatio-temporality of tastes through nostalgia and exposure to a variety of tastes across diverse geographical locations.