First published as ‘Literary Notices. No. 29’ in The Examiner, X, 1 June 1817, p. 345. This review is continued in The Examiner, X, 6 July 1817, pp. 428–9, and below, pp. 122–5; and 13 July 1817, pp. 443–4, and below, pp. 126–9. This is, of course, a review of Keats’s first volume, Poems (1817). As Hunt mentions in the first paragraph, he had already noted Keats in his ‘Young Poets’ review of 1 December 1816, pp. 761–2, and above, pp. 72–5, where the headnote also lists poems by Keats published in The Examiner. For the story of Keats and Hunt coming to know one another, see Hunt’s Autobiography. On Keats’s relation to Hunt, see Roe, especially pp. 51–87, 111–33, and Cox, especially pp.82–122. Hunt restates here his position that the Lake Poets had liberated English poetry from a false French influence, but his growing impatience with their politics, and even with the poetry of Southey and Coleridge, is clear.