First published as a separate piece in 1807 (London: John Hunt). Reprinted in The Examiner, I, 3 January 1808, pp. 6–8. See also The Examiner, I, 7 February 1808, pp. 91–2 for a self-satire on this Prospectus. The ‘Preface’ to the bound volume, included first but written last, reiterates many of these points; see below, pp. 79–82. For the ‘New Prospectus of the Examiner’, see VII, 25 December 1814, pp. 819–20 and below, pp. 337–41. On the newspaper prospectus as a genre in the period, see the ‘Introduction’, above, pp. xxix–xl. For Hunt’s account of the founding of The Examiner, see his Autobiography, vol. ii, pp. 1–16.