In 2015 Nigel Harris came in as Tearfund’s new CEO. He produced a new strategy and clarified that Tearfund’s vision was ‘to see people freed from poverty, living transformed lives and reaching their God-given potential’ (Harris 2017: 1). He decided to focus on three corporate priorities: church and community transformation (CCT), 1 humanitarian work in fragile states (FS), and environmental and economic sustainability (EES). While there were several new buzzwords and phrases, Harris very much chose to continue taking Tearfund along the path that had been set by Matthew Frost. With the wider development sector still apparently very much interested in religion and the potentials of faith-based development, Harris wanted Tearfund to further expand CCM and its other specifically faith-based methodologies and to try to bring them more into the mainstream. In other words, the aim was for Tearfund to consolidate itself as an FBO.