ON 4 AUGUST 1776 CATHERINE II wrote from Tsarskoe Selo to her faithful correspondent in Paris, Baron Grimm;

Sir Blackstone qui ne m'a point envoyé ses commentaires, jouit seui de l'honneur d'être lu par S. M. depuis deux ans; oh, ses commentaires et moi, nous sommes inséparables; c'est un fournisseur de choses et d'idées inépuisable; je ne fais rien de ce qui'il y a dans son livre, mais c'est mon [un?] fil que je dévide à ma façon. 1

In saying this the Empress was giving a good description of her working habits with respect to legislation and administration. She read voraciously and widely, and she always read with pen in hand. Not only did she make extensive excerpts and summaries of what she was reading, but she also noted her own reactions and ideas as she went along.