https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429292354/3abb420d-80da-4aed-a9cf-ae5c42b997f9/content/ifig0001.tif"/>Alfonso left his hereditary kingdoms in Spain and the Mediterranean to his brother Juan and his newly won kingdom of Naples to his illegitimate son Ferrante. Both Pope Eugenius IV and Pope Nicholas V had recognized Ferrante as the heir to the kingdom. But frail, old Calixtus at the age of eighty still cherished his feud with his former patron, Alfonso, and extended it to his former pupil, Ferrante. A few days before Alfonso’s death Calixtus wrote: “Since Alfonso has come into possession of Naples the Church has had no peace; he has been a constant torment to Pope Martin, Eugenius and myself. Therefore when he dies, I will do my utmost to deliver my successor from such bondage by preventing the succession of Don Ferrante, the King’s illegitimate son.”