https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429292354/3abb420d-80da-4aed-a9cf-ae5c42b997f9/content/ifig0001.tif"/>Throughout the year 1507 and all of 1508 Julius schemed and negotiated. He brooded over the Romagna which ought, of course, to be entirely subservient to the Church. But the Venetians had snatched Rimini and Faenza and showed no signs of letting them go. Furthermore, if Julius should decide to drive Alfonso d’Este out of Ferrara and to incorporate his state into papal territory he couldn’t count on Venice to help him or to remain neutral. Venice, the only strong state left in Italy, was too strong for Julius to attack unaided. When it was pointed out to him how dangerous an attack on Venice might be, Pope Julius summed up his religious, political and military philosophy in a few words: “Let the world perish provided I obtain my wish.”