https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429292354/3abb420d-80da-4aed-a9cf-ae5c42b997f9/content/ifig0001.tif"/>For five years after the Oddi attack of 1495 the Baglioni prospered. Guido, “subtle and wise beyond all men of his time,” was the recognized leader of the family. Rodolfo suffered miserably from the French disease and took a less active part in the family affairs. The young men went off to fight in the small wars which diverted the Italians in the interval between the departure of Charles VIII in 1495 and the arrival of Louis XII in 1499. Astorre and Gianpaolo, Rodolfo’s second son, defeated the men of Assisi and served the Florentine republic in its wars against rebellious Pisa and against Siena. Astorre won a victory over the Sienese and his reputation as a condottiere rose. Gianpaolo defeated the Pisans in a small engagement and his reputation rose; in fact, the Florentines were so pleased with Gianpaolo that they sent him a present of two live lions.