https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429292354/3abb420d-80da-4aed-a9cf-ae5c42b997f9/content/ifig0001.tif"/>According to the treaty imposed by Pope Pius, if Sigismondo died without a legitimate heir, Rimini would revert to the Church’s direct rule. Although Sigismondo was the father of at least a dozen bastard children, he had no living legitimate child. So Rimini “rightly” belonged to the church. But Isotta, the grieving widow, assumed power in her own name and in that of the elder of her two bastard sons, Sallustio. She had another son by Sigismondo named Valerio.