The educational aspirations expressed in Great Britain during the War were very similar to the ideas enunciated in France (Part II, Chap. III), . . . . but we shall see that in both these countries the educational thought of the War period presents the greatest possible contract with the opinions current in Germany. It can be shown that the educational writings and University addresses in all three of these countries reflected in a very high degree the position of the armies on the battle-front. The German statements are most clear on this point. 1 During the early years of the War, the German educator took great encouragement from the fact that the armies of his country stood on foreign fields. To him a great German victory seemed a fact that was not to be questioned. In consequence there was no feeling that there was any necessity for changing national ideals, much less the school-system. The words of Dr. Kerschensteiner, one of Germany's leading educationists, and certainly the best-known in America, expressed) the sentiment which is typical of all Germany, in the following words:— "After the War we shall be under the necessity of developing more fully not only our military power, but also our moral forces." 2 German school-men were quite well satisfied with themselves during the War. In so far as changes were to be undertaken, these were conceived to be additions and extensions of what already existed rather than any uprooting of principles which, up to that time, had served them so well. The question that arose for them was this: "What form shall the school-system take after the happy ending 3 of the War has been reached?" 4