It is not within the limits of this book to record the numberless risings which took place, and were in most cases suppressed by isolated civilians, or by soldiers acting in a Civil capacity, who, by their dauntless bearing in the hours of danger, induced Asiatics to follow them, and defeat mutineers and rebels of their own race. The extent of the zone of operations in Eastern Bengal may be gathered, however, by the statement that while Mr. Yule, the intrepid Commissioner of Eastern Bihar, with headquarters at Bhagalpur, 250 miles north-west of Calcutta, assisted by the Rajah of Tiparah, and some loyal Zamindars, was driving mutineers into Nepal, zoo miles to the north of his headquarters, there was trouble at Dhakah, 250 miles to the south-east, and at Sambalpur, 350 miles south-west of Bhagalpur.