After viewing the works of H.D., Yeats, and Joyce in light of Jungian concepts, this chapter concludes how a revaluation of Jung in literary modernism is possible, and how these modernist authors are Jungian exemplars. The relevance of Jung’s theories to modernism in literature in particular is due to mythical methods, intentions, styles, and themes. The metaphors offered by H.D., Yeats, and Joyce’s personal philosophies provide their works with a unique individuation of both language and meaning. The well-established parallel between art and magic is displayed via Yeats’s systemic explanation of the universe, by H.D.’s reforming verbal alchemy, and Joyce’s juxtapositions of myths and archetypes. For these modernist literary figures, a Jungian literary approach, along with their mystical inclinations that permeated their style, actually serves their works, which was a challenging approach to the post-Freudian world. Their literary techniques have been considered in light of Jungian psychology, which views such tendencies as fruitful for artistic endeavor, in providing themes, meanings, and metaphors for poetry as opposed to merely revealing pathological symptoms of mental disorders.