Our analysis of the strategic, structural, and process interventions in the six development programs is now complete. In view of the small sample of programs under study, it is hazardous to generalise about strategic management from their experience. Instead, the findings of the study have been used to generate a set of propositions on the major categories of interventions and their orchestration as an aid to enriching our understanding of the linkages between performance and strategic management. This is consistent with the basic objective of the study which was to learn from success by identifying and analysing the management and institutional interventions associated with a set of high performers among development programs. We have indeed been able not only to identify a variety of critical interventions, but also discover certain underlying patterns which seem to be associated with success. This study has merely scratched the surface of an important, but neglected area in the management of public organisations. Other more detailed and specialised studies of a broader range of programs are needed to establish the links between these patterns and performance.