Leading up to the contest against Livni in 2009, Netanyahu worked feverishly to recruit new stars who would restore some of the Likud's former attraction. First he brought on board “non-political” (formerly Labor) security figures: former Chief-of-Staff “Bogie” Yaalon, Major-General (res.) Uzi Dayan (nephew of Moshe Dayan), former Police Commissioner Assaf Hefetz, and Major-General Yossi Peled, who had previously been a Likud member. He also added new stars from other spheres, including former IDF spokeswoman Brigadier-General (res.) Miri Regev; a young and promising journalist, Tzipi Hotovely; and the legendary basketball player, Tal Brodie. And indeed, these new additions, especially the security heavyweights, did bring Netanyahu the impetus that he sought.