This study starts on the right foot with leaps from foot to foot travelling forward. In meas. 2 the jumps are on the spot. Travelling forward is then achieved through a step-hop, stepleap sequence. The next set of three jumps are performed turning to the right. Note that these jumps need not be done with feet together. The step-hop pattern repeats, but starts with the left foot and so on. In meas. 7 and 8 circular travelling takes place for which some step-hop patterns are to be included; how many and just when are up to the performer. Just before this circling starts there is a change of front, shown also on the floor plan which indicates the shape of the path. Judged by the jumps with low preparations in meas. 10 and 12, this study is a good one for a boy. The skips (step-hop pattern) in meas. 13 are in a triplet rhythm, as are the galops in meas. 14. Running in meas. 15 is slower, i.e. a step on each beat. The double turn at the end should be a quick spin-no aerial turn is indicated, though it might have been expected as the preparation is on both feet.