The examination of Elisabeth Brand of Barking . . . the 7th day of October 1621

This examinant she saith that she was born at Barford in Oxfordshire and served one M r John Collins of the said town for three years last past and about six months since she came to London, where she placed her self with one goodwife Parker a buttonmaker near the spital1 in Bishopsgate Street, who as she saith did take away all her apparel and turned her out of doors, and then she came to Barking to seek a service and was there received upon liking by the wife of Peter Debett of Barking fisherman upon Wednesday being the third day of this month, and the next morning about seven of the clock her dame sent her forth to one Daniell Overell’s house in Barking for 4d. of broom and the said Elisabeth Brand went accordingly, but did take with her one petticoat of cloth of her dame’s feloniously being worth 10s. and put it upon her body which when the said Overell perceived he did apprehend her and did bring her back again to her dame who presently committed her to the constable’s charge as a felon.