Unfortunately, Kim’s situation is not unique. All teachers, career and technical education (CTE) teachers included, are experiencing similar challenges. e growth in the number of English language learners (ELLs) in the United States is overwhelming, and it is not surprising to see the trend translating into increases in student enrollments across the public education pipeline.* e question is “Are schools and teachers prepared to help students with limited English language prociency?” Are CTE (formerly known as vocational education) programs and teachers, in particular, ready to meet the instructional challenges posed by English language learners? Teachers, in general, are not well prepared to serve the special needs of ELLs. If anything, CTE teachers may be at a greater disadvantage since technical programs have been traditionally viewed as the place for students with at-risk factors. Further, CTE teachers are oen hired based on their occupational expertise and may be less likely to have the appropriate pedagogical knowledge and preparation for helping English language learners compared with teachers in academic disciplines. us, CTE teachers may need help identifying, designing, and implementing instructional strategies appropriate for English language learners. Let’s take a closer look of the issues and challenges resulting from the increase in ELLs in the schools.