This has been a fascinating journey. In many ways, thinking about whole life is a very enlightening experience. It is not often that we stand back and consider exactly how things come into being in order to provide a useful life and then disappear. We are often too interested in the effects they have, whether good or bad. It is apparent, however, that if we spend more time looking from a measured,

detached perspective, we might arrive at different and better answers. Often the drivers and relationships brought to bear are relatively superficial and not that important. A better, more challenging look at any enterprise will result in some surprising answers. Often the response to a problem may be ‘I wouldn’t start from here’. Because of

other pressures, we often approach problems from a position that will undoubtedly lead to a distorted conclusion. So it is with whole life questions about processes, about measurement, and about a whole range of other issues. Often is it clear that, while we start with plenty of good intentions, they prove to be neither robust nor consistent. The plea of this book is for logic to prevail – so often, in practice, this is the hardest

route to follow. If we can achieve this, it will be good for everyone – good for today, and good for tomorrow.